Diffusion Meets Options: Hierarchical Generative Skill Composition for Temporally-Extended Tasks

Diffusion Meets Options: Hierarchical Generative Skill Composition for Temporally-Extended Tasks

1 Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore 2 Smart Systems Institute, National University of Singapore

DOPPLER generates receding-horizon plans for long-horizon LTL specifications, offering robust performance even in the face of environmental perturbations.


Safe and successful deployment of robots requires not only the ability to generate complex plans but also the capacity to frequently replan and correct execution errors. This paper addresses the challenge of long-horizon trajectory planning under temporally extended objectives in a receding horizon manner. To this end, we propose DOPPLER, a data-driven hierarchical framework that generates and updates plans based on instruction specified by linear temporal logic (LTL). Our method decomposes temporal tasks into chain of options with hierarchical reinforcement learning from offline non-expert datasets. It leverages diffusion models to generate options with low-level actions. We devise a determinantal-guided posterior sampling technique during batch generation, which improves the speed and diversity of diffusion generated options, leading to more efficient querying. Experiments on robot navigation and manipulation tasks demonstrate that DOPPLER can generate sequences of trajectories that progressively satisfy the specified formulae for obstacle avoidance and sequential visitation.

DOPPLER (Diffusion Option Planning by Progressing LTLs for Effective Receding-horizon control) is an offline hierarchical reinforcement learning framework that generates receding horizon trajectories to satisfy given LTL instructions. It leverages diffusion models to represent options within the hierarchical RL framework, and can generate diverse and expressive behaviors while ensuring that the generated trajectories remain within the support of the offline dataset.


    title   = {{LTLDoG}: Satisfying Temporally-Extended Symbolic Constraints for Safe Diffusion-Based Planning},
    author  = {Feng, Zeyu and Luan, Hao and Goyal, Pranav and Soh, Harold},
    journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
    year    = {2024},
    volume  = {9},
    number  = {10},
    pages   = {8571-8578},
    doi     = {10.1109/LRA.2024.3443501},
    title   = {Diffusion Meets Options: Hierarchical Generative Skill Composition for Temporally-Extended Tasks},
    author  = {Feng, Zeyu and Luan, Hao and Ma, Kevin Yuchen and Soh, Harold},
    journal = {arXiv preprint},
    year    = {2024}